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Certificate and Examination

1. About certification program

 Classical Yoga International School conducts  5  kinds of Short term courses duration of  40 Hours. 2 kinds of  Teacher Training Courses and Experience Yoga Program.

2. Validity of certificate

 Validity of the YCB certificates  less than 50 hours is forever.  Level 1 (200 Hours) T.T.C certificate is valid for 5 years and level 2 (500 Hours) T.T.C  for 3 years. Yoga Alliance certificates of 200 hours and 500 Hours are valid for forever. 

3. Issuing of certificate

 The successful/ passed candidates of  YCB Courses  shall be issued certificate and ID card with unique number by the YCB directly. 40 Hours Certificates and Yoga Alliance T.T.C certificates will be given by CYI School. 

4. Renewal of certificate

The candidate, certified under  YCB Course T.T.C courses Level-1 and Level-2, has to appear in the Continuing Yoga Education (CYE) program for renewal of his/her certificate.  Certified Yoga Professionals shall have to attend the CYEP before expiry of the certificate for its renewal. (Refer to CYE program guidelines for more details).  See in details. 


5. Assessment procedure for certification of Yoga Professionals. 

 1) The assessment of students for any course shall be in two stages – Theory and Practical

 2) The maximum marks for the assessment in any course will be 200 and the distribution of the marks shall be as follows.

  Theory- 60 Marks, Practical 140 Marks. 

  140 Marks of Practical is further divided as follows.

Demonstration (80 Marks), Teaching Skill (40 Marks), Application of Knowledge (10 Marks), Field Experience (10Marks)

3) There will be total 60 Questions of 1 mark each and total duration of 2 hours in both level. For practicum, each candidate shall be assessed for one hour.

4) Any candidate applying for the certificate has to appear in both the exams – Theory and Practical.

5) No. of questions will be equally divided in all the units.

6) The theory exam will comprise of Multiple Choice questions.

7) The candidates shall mark the answer in Optical Mark Reader (OMR) sheet.

8) There will be no negative marks in the written examination.

9) Theory exam paper of Yoga Professionals will be bilingual – English & Hindi. For exam in other language, the question paper will be in English and in the chosen language of exam.

10) If error is observed in the question in Hindi or other languages, the question in English languages shall be considered the correct question.

11) If some error is observed in the question paper, it shall be referred to the competent authority and competent authority shall take a view on it and decide on grace marks.

12) The candidate shall return both question paper and OMR sheet to the invigilator/center in charge after completing the paper or after the examination time.

13) Candidate absence in either of the theory exam or practical exam will be considered as fail. However, if any candidate who takes theory exam but is absent in practical exam, his/ her request for reconsideration for appearing in practical exam on some other date, may be considered by the school on merit basis.

14) The candidate has to secure qualifying marks both in theory and practical independently. If the candidates secures qualifying marks in practical but fails in theory, he/she can reappear for theory exam only once within 3 month of declaration of result. The candidate shall have to deposit the prescribed fee for appearing in the theory exam. If the candidate secures qualifying marks in theory but fails in practical, he/ she is treated as fail and he/she shall have to appear for the exam as fresh candidate. Such condition, the full assessment fee shall have to be paid by the candidate. His/her unique enrolment no. shall be valid.

15) The candidate has to secure 70% marks in each of the theory and practical to qualify/ pass the assessment. However maximum 5% of grace marks will be given either for theory or practical paper but overall qualifying percentage shall remain 70%. In case marks are in decimal figure, it shall be rounded off to higher number.

​6.Re-checking of Marks

1) If the candidate is not satisfied with the result, he/she can request the concern school for re-checking of theory exam by paying the prescribed fee for rechecking.

2) Re-checking is limited to the calculation of marks.

3) The candidate can request about the re-checking of marks within 15 days from the date of declaration of result.

4)If the candidate is still not satisfied, he/she can request the school for re-checking of the answer sheet in his / her presence. School shall arrange the OMR sheet and question paper in the presence of examiner on receipt of the prescribed fee.

5) In no case, the candidate is allowed to take the question papers / OMR sheet or its copy along with him/her.

6) School shall response within 30 days from the date of application.


​7. Attendance 

It is mandatory before any examination that the student should have at least 80% attendance in the course conducted related to that examination.

​8. Admit Cards

 Admit cards are given to all the students 5 days before the exam. Students who have not received the admit card shall be given on exam center before 1 hour of exam starting. 


9. Result declaration 

The result of the examination is pasted on the notice board of the school between 5 to 10th days after the end of the examination. Students are also informed through email.


10. Course Report

 It is responsibility school principal to collect all the information regarding the examination i.e. called Course Report. In any kind of conflict regarding evaluation or any complain regarding exams can be reported to School principle within 15 days from the date of declaration of result. Appropriate answers or solution should be given within 30days by School Principal. In case of no satisfaction student can complain to School Director.

11. Sample rechecking

In case of more than 5% wrong questions in exam paper, School will recheck all the answer sheets and full marks will be given in all those questions. Result will be re-declared within 15 days from recheck date of exam sheets.


12.Feedback Mechanism


1) Feedback about School, any teachers or anything can be sent through websites  directly. Answers are given with best reply within 24 hours.

2) Data are collected though simple questionnaire after finishing of any course.

3) There are open talks once in week for all students. Such platform can serve as a way to share experience. Also, it can be useful in solving common problems. But, above all, we can stay up to date with student’s expectations and know what they need.​


Find a complaint form from office and put in complain box. Or details of complain can be emailed on school’s official email i.e. Application will be acknowledged by Public Relation Officer or School Principal and they will finally report to General Secretary of Board regarding complain. Acknowledgment of application should be within 3 days maximum. Information of compliant is confidential. It is not necessary for a compliant to mention his or her identity with complain.


Taking into account the nature of the complaint, its scope and the people involved, schools may assign a designated staff or set up a task force to handle the complaint with reference to the following arrangements:

1) Staff members who are responsible for the appeal stage should be different from those responsible for the investigation stage. In principle, the staff dealing with the appeal should be of a higher rank than those responsible for the investigation. If this is not practicable, schools will make other arrangements, such as appointing staff from another department, to ensure fair handling.

2) Where necessary, schools/sponsoring bodies may establish a task force to handle special complaint cases. To enhance credibility, the school may invite independent persons such as social workers, lawyers, psychologists, and parents or teachers not involved in the case to join the task force to provide professional advice and support.

3) The appointed staff should be proactive in communicating with the enquirers/complainants, and prompt in providing responses as well as the information they need. Schools will also ensure that frontline/ designated staff have proper authorization and clearly understand their roles and responsibilities.​


Our procedure includes the following steps.

1) Acknowledging the complain

Acknowledging the complain within 3 days maximum. Thanks to the compliant for bringing the matter to our attention. Apologies are given at first instance. 

2) Record details of the complaint

We go through the complaint in detail so we can understand exactly what the problem is. Keep records of all complaints in one central place or register. It helps to identify any trends or issues.

3)Get all the facts

Check that we have understood and recorded the details of the complaint correctly. Ask questions if necessary.

4 ) Discuss options for fixing the problem

Ask the compliant what response they are seeking; it could be a repair, replacement, refund or apology. Decide if the request is reasonable.

5 ) Act quickly

Aim to resolve the complaint quickly.

6 ) Keep promises

Keep the compliant informed if there are any delays in resolving their request.

7 ) Follow up

Contact the compliant to find out if they were satisfied with how their complaint was handled.

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